The Matter Aspect
”The mathematical method reduces terminology to a minimum, and is the only truly international terminology.”
The esoteric knowledge – thoroughly different from the exoteric – must be mastered gradually. The principles must be understood first. If concepts and principles are not exactly defined and if these concepts do not agree with reality, the result is vagueness and thereby fictionalism as well. This is the defect that has always been inherent in all esoteric literature up to the present. The reader has never been able to acquire exact basic concepts. The terminology used has been an utter failure, which fact has also contributed to the confusion of ideas.
It has been Laurency’s endeavour to definitively eliminate all symbols and vague terms, and to introduce instead a simple, easy-to-grasp, economical terminology. Since Pythagorean hylozoics makes it possible to divide the different kinds of matter and worlds mathematically, Laurency had recourse to that expedient.
It is an incontestable fact that the mathematical nomenclature is superior in exactness. Another advantage is that a more general use of this nomenclature would make it more difficult to distort the texts with obscure hints and vague formulations.
Primordial Matter
Primordial matter, the chaos of the Greeks, is at the same time limitless space. In this unmanifested primordial matter, “beyond space and time”, there is an unlimited number of cosmoses at all the different stages of being built out or dismantled.
The Cosmos
A cosmos is a globe in primordial matter. Its original dimensions are small, but, being supplied with primordial atoms from the inexhaustible store of primordial matter, it grows incessantly until it has reached the requisite size. It is thus matter that is space.
A fully built-out cosmos, such as ours, consists of a continuous series of material worlds of different degrees of density, the higher penetrating all the lower. The highest world thus penetrates everything in the cosmos.
The worlds are built out from the highest world, each higher world supplying material for the next lower world, which is formed in and out of the higher ones.
There are seven series of seven cosmic material worlds, making 49 in all (1–7, 8–14, 15–21, 22–28, 29–35, 36–42, 43–49), in accordance with the constant division into seven departments. These atomic worlds occupy the same space in the cosmos. All the higher worlds embrace and penetrate the lower worlds.
The numeration of the worlds is from the highest world as the first one down, showing that they are formed from the highest world down. It is thus easy to see how many higher worlds remain to be attained whichever lower world the individual happens to be in.
All the 49 worlds differ from each other as to dimension, duration, material composition, motion, and consciousness; due to differences in density of primordial atoms. The seven lowest cosmic worlds (43–49) contain billions of solar systems. The lowest world (49) is the physical world.
Atomic Matter
The cosmos consists of primordial atoms (called monads by Pythagoras), which are composed to make 48 kinds of atoms, each in succession coarser than the previous ones, in seven continuous series of seven atomic kinds in each. These atomic kinds make up the 49 cosmic worlds.
Each lower atomic kind is formed out of the next higher one (2 out of 1, 3 out of 2, 4 out of 3, etc.). The lowest atomic kind (49) thus contains all the 48 higher kinds. When an atomic kind is dissolved, the next higher kind is obtained; out of the physical atom are obtained 49 atoms of atomic kind 48.
All matter (atomic kinds, molecular kinds, aggregates, worlds, etc.) is formed and dissolved. Only primordial atoms are eternal and indestructible. The process of composition to make lower kinds of matter is called involvation and the corresponding process of dissolution, evolvation. The lower the kind of matter, the more involved are the primordial atoms.
Solar Systems
The globes of the solar systems are replicas of the cosmos in dimensions scaled down enormously with all the limitations that implies, not least in respect of consciousness.
The solar systems have seven worlds composed of the seven lowest cosmic atomic matters (43–49). The highest world of the solar systems is formed from the 43rd atomic kind; their lowest world (the physical), from the 49th. These seven worlds have been given different names in the different knowledge orders. Most of those names are old and, due to the misuse by ignorance, diffuse, ambiguous, meaningless, and thus unserviceable. It is high time we adopted an internationally agreed-upon nomenclature and then the mathematical one is of course the only expedient and the most exact one. It will be consistently applied in the following.
In Laurency they received the following Western designations:
43 the manifestal world
44 the submanifestal world
45 the superessential world
46 the essential world
47 the causal-mental world
48 the emotional world
49 the physical world
Molecular Matter
Molecules are composed of atoms. The lower the molecular kind, the more atoms enter into the molecule.
Atoms are composed of primordial atoms. The lower the atomic kind, the more primordial atoms enter into the atom.
These definitions are the only ones esoterically tenable.
The matter of the solar systems is called molecular matter to distinguish it from atomic matter, which is cosmic. Within the solar systems the seven lowest atomic kinds are transformed into molecular kinds.
Each atomic kind supplies material for six successively more composite molecular kinds, each lower being formed from the next higher. The seven atomic kinds thus make 42 molecular kinds and it is these that make up the solar system. The 49 atomic kinds exist in all the worlds, occupy the same space.
The six molecular kinds within each systemic world have been given analogous names and mathematical designations:
(1 atomic)
2 subatomic
3 superetheric
4 etheric
5 gaseous
6 liquid
7 solid
The figure of each molecular kind is put after that designating the atomic kind. Thus the physical gaseous molecular kind is written 49:5.
The chemical so-called atom of science is a physical etheric molecule (49:4). This molecular kind, like all other molecular kinds, contains 49 different layers of matter.
The Monads
The monads make up the sole content of the cosmos. The monad is the smallest possible part of primordial matter and the smallest possible firm point for individual consciousness. If at all one should try to imagine a monad, one would perhaps come closest picturing it as a point of force.
All the material forms existing in the cosmos consist of monads at different stages of development. All these compositions of monads are being formed, changed, dissolved, and reformed in innumerable variations, but the monads’ matter aspect remains eternally the same.
The Monads’ Envelopes
The consciousness development of the monads goes on in and through envelopes. It is by acquiring consciousness in its envelopes and in the ever higher molecular kinds of these envelopes that the monad attains ever higher natural kingdoms.
All the forms of nature are envelopes. In every atom, molecule, organism, world, planet, solar system, etc., there is one monad at a higher stage of development than are the other monads in that form of nature. All forms other than organisms are aggregate envelopes, molecules of the kinds of matter of the respective worlds held together electromagnetically.
In our solar system there are organisms on our planet only. On the other planets also the lowest envelope (49:5-7) is an aggregate envelope.
Man’s Five Envelopes
When incarnated in the physical world, man has five envelopes:
an organism in the visible world (49:5-7)
an envelope of physical etheric matter (49:2-4)
an envelope of emotional matter (48:2-7)
an envelope of mental matter (47:4-7)
an envelope of causal matter (47:1-3)
The lower four of these are renewed at each new incarnation and are dissolved in their order at the end of the incarnation. The causal envelope is man’s one permanent envelope. It was acquired when the monad passed from the animal kingdom to the human kingdom. This causal envelope is the “true” man and incarnates together with the human monad which it always encloses.
The figures in brackets indicate the molecular kinds existing in the different envelopes, the higher envelopes embracing and penetrating all the lower ones.
(From The Knowledge of Reality 1.5-1.14)
The Consciousness Aspect
”Those who are not very keen on exploring the matter aspect will then turn their attention to the life view and try to acquire the art of living in order to use its qualities and abilities to reach ever higher kinds of consciousness, become ever more skilful at living the life according to the laws of life.”
The Monad Consciousness
The monad consciousness can be potential, actualized, passive, activated, self-active, latent, subjective, objective.
The monad’s potential consciousness is awakened to life (is actualized) in the cosmos. Once actualized, consciousness is at first passive, is activated in the process of evolution, until it becomes increasingly more active in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, becoming self-active in the human kingdom and thereby acquiring consciousness of itself as its own self.
By “monad” is meant the individual as a primordial atom and by “self” the individual’s consciousness aspect.
The term “self” also applies to those envelopes in which the monad has acquired self-consciousness, with which the self identifies itself, at the time regarding them as its true self. The self is the centre of all self-perceptions. Attention indicates the presence of the self.
Different Kinds of Consciousness
One must distinguish between self-consciousness (individual consciousness, self-consciousness in the envelopes), collective consciousness, and ultimate self-consciousness. (Technically, cosmic, systemic, and planetary consciousness can be distinguished.)
Since the ultimate components of the universe are primordial atoms, the cosmic total consciousness is an amalgamation of the consciousness of all primordial atoms, just as the ocean is the union of all drops of water (the closest analogy possible).
The most important insight is that all consciousness is at the same time collective consciousness. This is so because there is no personal isolation, although only those who have acquired essential consciousness (46) can live in the collective consciousness.
There are innumerable kinds of collective consciousness: atomic, molecular, aggregate, world, planetary, systemic, and after these, different kinds of cosmic consciousness. The higher the kingdom attained by the monad, the more is embraced by this collective consciousness in which the self, with its self-consciousness preserved, experiences other selves as its own larger self.
Subjective and Objective Consciousness
Consciousness is subjective. Sense perceptions, feelings, and thoughts are subjective. Everything consciousness apprehends outside itself is material and thus objective.
Sense is objective consciousness, the apprehension by consciousness of objective material reality in all worlds. Objective consciousness is (subjective) apprehension of a material object. Distinction is made between physical, emotional, mental, causal, etc. sense.
Reason is the faculty of imagination, abstraction, conception, reflection, deduction, judge-ment, etc. Reason is the instrument for working up the content of sense. Reason can subjectively perceive vibrations (“hunch”, etc.) long before sense can refer them to material reality. But it is not until sense has begun to function that you can speak of knowledge.
At mankind’s present stage of development, most people in their organisms can be objectively conscious only in the lowest three states of aggregation (49:5-7).
Physical Consciousness (49:1–7)
Physical consciousness is the lowest kind of consciousness, just as physical matter is the lowest kind of matter and physical energy is the lowest kind of force.
There are six main kinds of physical consciousness (physical atomic consciousness excluded) corresponding to subjective and objective experiences in the six physical molecular kinds.
The corresponding is true of all higher worlds.
Man’s physical consciousness is partly the organism’s different kinds of sense perceptions, partly to most people only subjective apprehension by the etheric envelope of the vibrations in the higher three physical molecular kinds (49:2-4).
Emotional Consciousness (48:1–7)
Man’s emotional consciousness is his monad’s consciousness in his emotional envelope.
By nature emotional consciousness is exclusively desire, or what the individual at the emotional stage perceives as dynamic will. At the stage of barbarism, before the individual’s consciousness in his mental envelope has been activated, desire manifests itself as more or less uncontrolled impulses. When the mental envelope, influenced by the vibrations of the emotional envelope, is attracted to and woven together with the emotional envelope, mental consciousness is awakened to life, and desire and thought merge. If desire then preponderates, feeling ensues, which is desire coloured with thought. If thought preponderates, imagination ensues, which is thought coloured with desire.
Man’s emotional life is mainly the life of emotional illusions. He is the victim of desire’s wishful thinking, of the illusions of emotional thinking. The individual is completely free of the illusions only after he has acquired causal consciousness.
The vibrations of the lower three emotional molecular kinds (48:5-7) are mainly repulsive; those of the three higher, attractive. Noble feelings are expressions of attraction.
Mental-Causal Consciousness (47:1–7)
Man’s mental-causal consciousness is his monad’s self-acquired ability of consciousness, partly in his mental envelope (47:4-7), partly in his causal envelope (47:1-3).
There are four kinds of consciousness of the mental envelope, corresponding to the ability to apprehend the vibrations in the lower four mental molecular kinds (47:4-7).
The majority of mankind have developed (activated) only the lowest kind (47:7): discursive inference thinking from ground to consequence.
The second kind from below (47:6), philosophic and scientific principle thinking, is still the highest kind of thinking for all except the extremely rare élite.
The third kind from below (47:5), élite thinking, is – in contrast to principle thinking which mostly absolutizes – partly consistent relativizing and percentualizing thinking, partly perspective thinking and system thinking.
The highest kind of consciousness in the mental envelope (47:4) is still inaccessible to mankind. Its manifestations consist in – among other things – concretization of causal ideas involving simultaneous thinking by systems instead of concepts.
The content even of élite thinking is for the most part made up of fictions (conceptions without real correspondences), due to lack of facts about existence. Only the facts of esoterics make it possible to think in accordance with reality.
Causal consciousness (47:1-3) is possible only for those who have developed so far ahead of the rest of mankind that they can purposefully prepare for their transition to the next higher kingdom. They have acquired the ability to associate with everybody in the causal world, the meeting-place for the individuals belonging to the fourth as well as to the fifth natural kingdom.
Causal consciousness is subjectively intuition, the experiencing of causal ideas, and makes it possible to study objectively the physical, emotional, and mental worlds, and makes omniscience in these worlds possible.
Higher Kinds of Consciousness
The following survey of the different kinds of consciousness within the solar system will perhaps make it easier to understand the fact that to ever higher kinds of matter, material envelopes, material worlds, correspond ever higher kinds of consciousness.
49 physical (including etheric) consciousness
48 emotional consciousness
47 mental-causal consciousness
46 essential consciousness
45 superessential consciousness
44 submanifestal consciousness
43 manifestal consciousness
It should be evident from the terms used for the ever higher kinds of consciousness that all but the lowest three (47–49) are incomprehensible to mankind at its present stage of development.
(From The Knowledge of Reality 1.15-1.21)
Read more about the conscience aspect at
In The Explanation section SIX (6.1- 6.10) och section SEVEN (7.1-7.14)
The Motion Aspect
”What is revolutionary in the hylozoic teaching is the emphasis on the motion aspect, energy aspect, will aspect. Energy builds the cosmos, keeps aggregates (all the material forms in the cosmos, including the various kinds of atoms) together, makes development possible.”
Motion Defined
To the motion aspect belong all occurrences, all processes of nature and life, all changes. Everything is in motion and everything that moves is matter.
Motion has of old been given manifold terms: force, energy, activity, vibration, etc. As motion should also be considered: sound, light, and colour.
In hylozoics three main causes of motion are distinguished, each one specifically different: dynamis, material energy, will.
The original cause of motion, the source of all force, the one primordial force, the universe’s total energy, is the dynamic energy of primordial matter, which Pythagoras called dynamis. It is eternally active, inexhaustible, unconscious, absolute omnipotence.
Dynamis acts in every primordial atom, and only in the primordial atoms, which penetrate all matter.
Dynamis is the fundamental cause of the perpetuum mobile of the universe.
Material Energy
Energy in the scientific sense is matter in motion. All higher kinds of matter (atomic kinds, molecular kinds) are energy in relation to all lower kinds.
Matter does not dissolve into energy, but into higher matter.
When matter ceases to move, its quality of being energy ceases.
All forces of nature are matter. There are more than 2400 different kinds of forces of nature within the solar system. Every molecular kind contains 49 different layers of matter, which can all act as energy.
Will is dynamis acting through active consciousness. Active consciousness thus is the ability of consciousness to let dynamis act through it. “Will” is energy’s individualized mode of acting through consciousness, in doing which the essential things for ever higher worlds are the consciousness content’s accordance with law, accordance with plan, finality, one-pointedness of purpose.
The esoteric axiom, “energy follows thought”, indicates that the expressions of active consciousness induce matter to act as energy.
Different Kinds of Energy and Will
By analogy with the matter and consciousness aspects, there are also seven kinds of motion, thus:
49 physical energies
48 emotional energies
47 mental-causal energies
46 essential energies
45 superessential energies
44 submanifestal energies
43 manifestal energies
As one desires, the word “energy” can be replaced with “will”. The different kinds of will are acquired simultaneously with full subjective and objective self-consciousness in the respective worlds, or with the self’s ability to centre itself in the pertaining envelopes.
(From The Knowledge of Reality 1.24-1.29)
Read more about the motion aspect at
The Explanation section ELEVEN (11.1–11.7), The Knowledge of Reality 2.10-2.18
The Meaning and Goal of Existence
The meaning of existence (a problem unsolvable to theologians, philosophers, and scientists) is the consciousness development of the primordial atoms, to awaken to consciousness primordial atoms which are unconscious in primordial matter, and thereupon to teach them in ever higher kingdoms to acquire consciousness of life, understanding of life in all its relationships.
The goal of existence is the omniscience and omnipotence of all in the whole cosmos.
The process implies development: in respect of knowledge from ignorance to omniscience, in respect of will from impotence to omnipotence, in respect of freedom from bondage to that power which the application of the laws affords, in respect of life from isolation to unity with all life.
The self develops in and through envelopes, from the lowest physical etheric envelope to the highest cosmic world.
The “Rebirth” of Everything
All material forms (atoms, molecules, aggregates, worlds, planets, solar systems, aggregates of solar systems, etc.) are subject to the law of transformation. They are being formed, changed, dissolved, and re-formed. This is inevitable, since in the long run no material forms tolerate the wear of the cosmic material energies.
The primordial atoms that form all these compositions of matter thereby have opportunities to have ever new experiences in new forms. All learn from everything. When their form is renewed, all organisms (plants, animals, men) receive a form of life similar to the previous form, until their consciousness development requires a specifically different, higher form, a more expedient possibility to acquire increased experience.
Man is reborn as a man (never as an animal), until he has learnt everything he can learn in the human kingdom, and has acquired all the qualities and abilities necessary to enable him to continue his consciousness expansion in the fifth natural kingdom. Rebirth explains both the seeming injustices of life (since in new lives the individual has to reap what he has sown in previous lives) and the innate, latent understanding and the once self-acquired abilities existing as predispositions. It does more than that. It refutes 99 per cent of everything that mankind has accepted as truth.
The Natural Kingdoms
“During immense periods of time, monads have at different times been introduced from primordial manifestation into a cosmos under construction. Those later introduced have not managed to undergo the processes of manifestation which the earlier ones have passed through. Even this fact suffices to explain why monads are at different stages of development, a fact that is obvious in all solar systems and in all natural kingdoms from the lowest to the highest one.”
The Natural Kingdoms
The consciousness development of the monads goes on in a series of ever higher natural kingdoms: six within the solar system and six in the cosmic worlds. The six kingdoms belonging to the solar system are:
the mineral kingdom 49:7 – 49:5
the vegetable kingdom 49:7 – 48:7
the animal kingdom 49:7 – 47:7
the human kingdom 49:7 – 47:4
the essential kingdom 49:7 – 45:4
the manifestal kingdom,
the first or lowest divine kingdom 49:7 – 43
The monad consciousness is activated in envelopes. It learns to apprehend the vibrations in the ever higher molecular kinds of these envelopes, acquires in these envelopes the possible experience and knowledge of the matter and motion aspects as well as the ability to use the insight gained. As a rule the monad spends seven eons in each of the lowest four natural kingdoms.
The Lowest Three Natural Kingdoms
The transition of the monads from the mineral to the vegetable kingdom and thence to the animal and human kingdoms is called transmigration. It cannot work backwards. Reversion from a higher natural kingdom to a lower one is absolutely precluded.
In the mineral kingdom, the monad consciousness begins to be activated. In the lowest physical molecular kind (49:7), the monads learn to distinguish differences in temperature and pressure. In this kingdom, the vibrations become violent enough for a first apprehension of inner and outer. And thus begins that process of objectivization of consciousness which reaches its perfection in the animal kingdom. The monads eventually learn to apprehend external realities. Immensely slowly through the lowest three kingdoms, the monads come to see themselves as something separate from everything else. For us, who find the contrast between consciousness and the material external world self-evident, it is, of course, hard to grasp what incredible toil this process has cost.
The contrasting process continues in the human kingdom, but now as a contrast between the self-conscious self and the external world (including other selves). This process is necessary to the individual’s acquisition of self-reliance and self-determination, without which qualities the individual can never acquire the power of freedom. There is a risk, however, that self-assertion, and thus isolation, will become absolute. This can lead to the severance of the tie that unites him with existence.
The individual has to learn to overcome the self-assertion at the expense of other life and to realize the necessity of serving life. Then he will also find that therein lies the only possibility of happiness, joy, and bliss.
The Fourth Natural Kingdom (The Human Kingdom)
By acquiring a causal envelope the monad passes from the animal kingdom to the human kingdom. To term this process “causalization” is preferable to “individualization”, since the monad is an individual in all kingdoms.
The causal envelope is the permanent envelope of the human monad until it essentializes and passes to the fifth natural kingdom. It is this envelope which incarnates and in doing so involves into four lower envelopes which are soon to be dissolved.
At mankind’s present stage of development, man activates consciousness mainly in his emotional and mental envelopes.
Consciousness development in the human kingdom can be divided into five principal stages comprising a total of 777 levels of development. The table below shows which molecular consciousnesses are thereby activated.
stages molecular kinds
emotional mental
barbarism 48:5-7 47:7
civilization 48:4-7 47:6,7
culture 48:3-7 47:6,7
humanity 48:2-7 47:4-7
ideality 48:2-7 47:2-7
The Fifth Natural Kingdom
Just as men must receive knowledge of higher worlds from individuals in the fifth natural kingdom, so the latter in their turn must receive knowledge of still higher worlds and of existence in its entirety from individuals in the sixth natural kingdom, etc. throughout the series of ever higher kingdoms. But all receive only the knowledge necessary for them to understand reality, to develop further, which they cannot acquire by themselves.
By essentializing the causal self acquires an envelope of essential (46) matter and, in so doing, passes from the fourth to the fifth natural kingdom.
The fifth natural kingdom consists partly of 46-selves (essential selves) with envelopes and consciousness in the planetary essential world, partly of 45-selves with envelopes and consciousness in the solar systemic superessential world.
The consciousness of the essential envelope is that of unity. The individual knows that he is his own self having a self-identity that can never be lost, but also a larger self together with all the monads in the five natural kingdoms and, when he so desires, he experiences others’ consciousness as his own.
A suitable term for
46-consciousness: world consciousness
45-consciousness: planetary consciousness
44-consciousness: interplanetary consciousness
43-consciousness: solar systemic consciousness
The essential self knows that the Law is inflexible and inevitably just, that life is divine, and that all monads are indestructible. It knows that life is happiness and that suffering exists only in the three lower molecular kinds of the physical and emotional worlds (49:5-7; 48:5-7), and then only as bad reaping from bad sowing.
The Sixth Natural Kingdom, or The First Divine Kingdom
The lowest divine kingdom (also called the manifestal kingdom) is made up of those individuals who have acquired envelopes and consciousness in the two highest systemic worlds (43 and 44). They have at their disposal the two highest collective consciousnesses of the solar system. They are omniscient in the solar system, independent of space in that globe and its past time. One realizes that they have complete mastery of the matter and motion aspects and of the Law within worlds 43–49.
The Cosmic Kingdoms
What we know about these six successively higher divine kingdoms in the 42 higher atomic worlds is that they exist, that they constitute a perfect cosmic organization working with unfailing precision in accordance with all existence’s laws of nature and laws of life.
In the cosmos, the individual does not acquire any envelopes of his own. He succeeds to some higher function and, finally, to the highest in his world with its collective consciousness, and identifies himself with this world as his own envelope. Those who have attained the highest world have freed themselves from all involvation into matter and as free monads (primordial atoms) have come to know themselves as the ultimate selves they have always been. Their auras are like cosmic giant suns and they radiate energy like the fountainhead of all power. They can, if they so wish, withdraw with a collective from out of their cosmos and begin building a new cosmos in the endless chaos of primordial matter.
The Planetary Hierarchy
The individuals of the fifth and sixth natural kingdoms constitute the hierarchy of our planet, which has acquired atomic consciousness in the planetary worlds 46 and 45 as well as 44 and 43.
The hierarchy is divided into seven departments. Each department works with its specialized energy that functions in accordance with the solar systemic law of periodicity.
The hierarchy supervises evolution in the lower kingdoms. It takes an especial interest in those at the stage of humanity who with one-pointed purpose seek to acquire the twelve essential qualities in order the better to serve life. In so doing they qualify for the fifth kingdom.
The Planetary Government
Into the planetary government can enter individuals who have attained the second divine kingdom. The head of the planetary government belongs to the third kingdom.
Like all governments in still higher kingdoms, the planetary government is divided into three main departments dealing with the three fundamental functions concerning the aspects of matter, motion, and consciousness. They have the ultimate responsibility that all the pertaining processes of nature work with unfailing precision. They see to it that all receive what they need for their consciousness development and that implacable justice is done to all in accordance with the law of sowing and reaping.
In their contacts with men, the gods assume human ideal shapes, permanent envelopes of physical atomic matter, also to anchor their physical consciousness, envelopes which can easily be made visible to all.
The Solar Systemic Government
To enter into the solar systemic government it is necessary to have attained the third divine kingdom. It supervises, of course, everything in the solar system, receives directions from higher governments and gives directions to the planetary governments.
It also transmits knowledge received concerning the cosmos and the Law to the extent that this is necessary to the fulfilment of the functions.
The law of self-realization is valid in all kingdoms and all individuals have to explore their worlds by their respective means, and learn to apply the knowledge and insight gained.
(From The Knowledge of Reality 1.30-1.40)
Read more about the development of man at
The Way of Man chapters 3-7